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Happy New Year!

Member Central - From the Exalted Ruler

Our membership has grown to over 490 members. On Saturday January 7, 2023, we initiated 5 new members and enjoyed a beverage toast and taquitos in the Club afterwards. Please welcome to Elkdom Aaron Lewis, Paula Mitchel, Elizabeth Weber, Jason Merritt, and Ryan Martinez. The plan is to have our Initiations on the weekends from now on so as to spend time in the Club getting acquainted.

Community Update

Every year in Montezuma County hundreds of 9-1-1 calls are made requesting the assistance of our emergency services personnel. The first responders who answer the call for help do so fearlessly. The Lodge Officers believe in honoring those who serve on the frontlines of our communities. One such Deputy Sheriff is Dalton Janz, who passed away on Thanksgiving Day at age 22. He served this County not as a duty but as a calling. For this local hero from Mancos, the Exalted Ruler and spouse, member April Randle, M.D. awarded the Elks Medal of Valor posthumously to family members Don and Laura Jean Janz. In so doing, our Lodge wanted to provide the family with the comforting knowledge that there are Elks in the community who care.

Lodge Upcoming

Before the Lodge Meeting February 1, 2023 at 5:15, there will be a Past Exalted Ruler (PER) dinner to honor PER’s. The dinner will be free to PER’s and Lodge Officer are invited at a nominal charge. The PER’s will sit in the Officers’ Chair and conduct the meeting. The agenda will include nominations for new Officers for the business year 2023-2024.

Elks National Benefits – please follow the link:

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